Thursday, December 21, 2017

When Should You Hire a Collection Agency?

Business owners often struggle to collect overdue payments from difficult clients. They are forced to make several calls, send messages and letters, and spend a lot of time recovering their money. This can interrupt the day-to-day business operations, stall cash flow, and have an impact on the financial health of the business. At Advantage Recovery Services, we offer a wide range of services that can help you collect adebt without compromising your reputation. 

When should you hire a debt collection agency? 
Some business owners are hesitant to hire a debt collection agency and keep giving clients second chances. This can prove to be detrimental to their business and the invoices due can pile up. Here are some tips that can help you make the right decision: 

  • Send the accounts on time - If the accounts are overdue by 90 to 120 days, send it to a debt collection agency. It’s more difficult to collect the debt after this time period has lapsed. The chances of debt recovery are lower if it’s allowed to linger for too long.
  • New customers - If new customers fail to respond positively to your first personal attempt to collect the debt, hire an agency to handle the job. You don’t have a history with these new customers so you’re not familiar with their financial behavior. It’s best to let professional collectors handle the task.
  • Payment plan - If customers don’t pay even after you’ve negotiated a convenient payment plan with them, they’re unlikely to pay despite your persuasion. A credit collection agency might be able to recover the money.
  • Customer denies responsibility - If the customer denies responsibility for the debt, you won’t be able to recover it without the assistance of the debt collection agency.
  • Unfounded complaints - Some customers will make unfounded complaints against the product or service as an excuse to not pay the money. Experienced collectors know how to handle this and will make sure the money is recovered.
Collectors will also help you collect money from clients who are known to be financially irresponsible. Our team has worked with different kinds of businesses and uses fair collection practices. 

If you want to know more about our credit collection agency and the range of services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us at Advantage Recovery Services. You can call us at 479-431-4478 or use our online form.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Collect Your Debt With Advantage Recovery Services

Companies hire debt collection agencies for the collection of their bad debts. Debtors are intimidated or scared of debt collection agencies, as they are ignorant of the powers assigned to such agencies. Of course, there are some unscrupulous agencies, which make debtors believe that they possess powers greater than they have, but that doesn't help the state of affairs.

Collection Agency In Fort Smith Arkansas
Collection Agency In Fort Smith Arkansas

Mode of payment:

In fort Smith debt collection agencies are paid in two ways. One is to pay them a fixed amount, while the other is to pay them a percentage of the debt collector. There are agencies that in fact buy some debts straight away. This just implies that, if a debtor owes money to a company, and that company sells the debt to a debt agency, the debtor would legally be required to pay that debt to the agency. By selling to an agency, the company receives some percentage of the total debt. Whatever amount the agency collects from the debtor is retained by the collector. Since the agency needs to collect more funds than what it paid to the company for buying that debt, it employs all kinds of tactics and often indulges in some unfair practices.

Empowerments of Debt collectors:

Debt collectors are not empowered to enter your premises or take the possession of your belongings. In fact, they can only demand money from you. The point is that they keep calling upon the debtor time and again, and the dishonest collectors are known to threaten debtors with the intention of recovering the dues. On the other hand, a professionaldebt recovery agency would try to develop a significant relationship with their debtors and thus start the process of negotiation for recovering the debts. In many such cases, the debtor can expect a part of the debt to be written off.

Debt collectors are not supposed to call upon debtors at awkward times, like too early in the mornings or too late in the evenings. Though they may call upon you at your workplace, they should stop doing so when being informed that you are not permitted to accept personal calls at the workplace. Debt collectors are not allowed to harm or threaten you in any manner or use abusive language. Nor can they make bogus claims about your debt, or tell lies about their legal rights, taking your assets.

Creditcollection, debt collection agencies in Fort Smith AR,  fall under the Office of Fair Trading with guidelines as to how debt collectors can operate. It also gives illustrations of unjust practices, like harassing or acting as if they had more powers than what they possess. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Qualities Of Good Debt Collection Agencies in Fort Smith AR

When banks extend credit to customers, they mostly do on good faith and it certainly increases the asset size of the bank. However, in many cases collecting the dues becomes a headache. Since the borrowers could be located far and wide and they could be scattered, it is important to hire quality collection agencies to recover the dues. Choosing a quality debt collection agency can make a big difference and could help in recovering sticky and tough dues. Here are a few proven and time-tested tips which could help in hiring the best debt collection agencies Fort Smith AR.

Always Look For Experts:
Different collection agencies might specialize in different types of assets and products. It is important to spend some time and look for collection agencies which have the right experience and expertise in that particular area. For example, collecting dues for vehicle loans is different from collecting credit card dues. Hiring the right agencies could therefore make a big difference in efficiency and end results.
Find Out Their Collection Methods And Tactics:
There are some well laid down guidelines as far a collection methods and practice are concerned. These have been laid down by The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. While hiring these professionals you must be sure that they are adhering to these practices in letter and spirit. They should follow the timelines specified under the act. Further they should avoid harassment of the customers. They should always give a true and correct picture of the receivables and should not falsify the records.
They Must Understand The Fee Structure Thoroughly:
Collection agencies appointed by banks and financial institutions offer different types of fee structures. It could be based on percentage of the amount collected or a flat periodical rate. It could also be based on number of contacts made and so on. Therefore, before appointing them you must be sure as to which method they are comfortable with and which method you would like to adopt. Visiting sites such as could help in having a better idea about such fee structures.
How Accounts Are Updated:
Finally, when identifying the right credit collection agency Fort Smith AR you must thoroughly understand the way in which the accounts receivables of the customers are handled and updated. There should be complete uniformity in the outstanding figures of collections agencies and their Principals.
At the end of the day there is no doubt that hiring a good and efficient collection agency requires quite a bit of research and understanding of the subject matter.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Hiring The Best Collection Agency In Fort Smith AR Will Help To Secure Unpaid Debt

In today's commercial marketplace, the contribution of a business debt collection agency is highly essential particularly for business owners that have several unpaid debts remaining to be attained from their clients. Overdue payments indeed are one of the real causes of the downfall of a company. Hence if an entrepreneur is walking through this financial situation and thinking how to get their payments back from their clients, then it is good to consult a collection agency for handling this situation. It is a third party which holds specialization in debt collection especially when a debtor faces cash flow issues.

Helping to preserve the reputation of a business

A big reason as to why a creditor may be compelled to take the assistance of the excellent collection agency Fort Smith ar is that this will undoubtedly make the debt collection process cost-effective, easy and convenient. Some of these agencies also act as a mediator amid the creditor and the debtor. These agents help to patch up differences amid the two parties concerning debt payment. They help creditors, for instance, to get back their amount in good time and also offer a chance to debtors in properly organizing their bills. The collection agencies purchases debts from creditors to carry on with the debt collection process from debtors. They are well informed regarding the laws which affect business collections and use ethical legal practices and common sense and also possess the support and resources for motivating a debtor in paying the debt. These experts engage in the collection process which will preserve a businessman's good business name. Besides, they will pursue their client's debt recovery from delinquent and past-due accounts and these agents collect a debt from businesses of every size. Some agencies also offer bulk collection rates.

An effective method to secure unpaid debt

Business collection agency Fort Smith ar is a common issue today. A business needs in figuring out the right way of getting delinquent clients in paying their dues in a manner where their company incurs a minimal expense. The collection agencies are a smart choice for an all-inclusive debt recovery service which greatly boosts up the percentage of successful recoveries cutting down some write-offs. Hence if a business owner has one or many clients who are not paying debts, then employing the services of a collection agency undoubtedly is the excellent method to secure their unpaid debt.

It is indeed a shame that collection agencies are required, but shady business methods have emerged as long as the business itself. Lamenting the inevitable always is a mere waste of tears. Thus, if a business owner owed money and them experience a gut feeling like this is not coming then they should consult a collection agency Fort Smith ar without delay. After all, they have been specially trained to handle the task thereby benefitting a businessperson at its best. The sensitive issue of collecting debts will be looked after skilfully and more efficiently. Be it individual debts or huge recovery of debts, with them successful recovery is guaranteed.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Why To Choose a Medical Collection Agency?

If you are an office manager for a hospital, clinic or any other medical facility, it is important to look for a good medical collections company that can assist you with your collection processes. As a healthcare provider, you need to have expert assistance on medical billing and other collection processes that you may need to avoid any disruption in medical facility cash flow. A lot of medical facilities also want to avoid litigation or any other legal processes, and so medical collections agencies are the best choice when it comes debt recovery.

A good medical collection agency employs effective solutions in trying to collect outstanding payments and avoid legal action as much as possible. Maintain goodwill and client satisfaction while still pushing for the goal of collecting payments are the things that you should look for in a good medical collections agency fort smith ar.

Medical collections agencies are there to help office managers out to clear out large amounts of backlogs that may affect cash flow on a monthly or annual basis. Licensed and trained medical billers can come into the office and help sort out past billing and deduce the precise amount of money owed by past patients. By being able to determine how much is owed and who owes it will be the first step in determining the right method or approach to recover the debts. This procedure can be temporary in nature or can be done on a periodic basis to avoid any backlogs or bottleneck.

Medical billing experts from good and effective medical collections can also help out in the time-consuming process of following up rejected insurance claims. By pointing out the rejections and examining their status, then the exceptions can be solved, and action can be done. There can also be a cleanup of backlogs on rejections and push for faster collections on your end.

Medical collection agencies are also useful in determining the right actions when it comes to patients who want to negotiate their payments. By having a promissory note program or a delayed payment scheme, patients can get the services that they need, and the hospital or clinic will still have their bills paid. The medical collection agency will do the best that they can to pursue the amount that the patients need to pay when it is due. The medical collections agency fort smith ar also applies interest should the deadline is not meant. This is a great way to maintain good relationships with the hospital or clinic's patients and still open the doors for future business with them but still manage the accounts receivable on the collections department's end.

A good medical collection agency will also push for extensive monitoring of debts and other receivables to make sure that the backlogs are cleared out in time and boost revenues for the medical institutions. By having a good monitoring facility for the payments from a good medical collections firm, the cash flow is not interrupted, all financial needs of the medical facility are all met.